Sunday, September 25, 2011

Essentials for Life to Exist

Our next topic is relatively new to 7th grade science and it pertains to the essentials for life to exist. At this level, there are four essentials which include: proximity to the sun, atmosphere, liquid water, source of energy (sun).

Below is a kid-friendly link that can be used to learn more about our solar system, astronomy, and space exploration.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First 3 Weeks Reflection

Okay, so the first 3 weeks of school are now behind us. I have realized after a few years now, that I really need to focus more on my time management. It seems almost impossible to get through everything that we need to get through, but if I can eliminate a few things, that will help. No more using the job cards! I am not good at remembering them for every lab we do and they take up about 5-10 minutes every time I use them. Not to mention, I have to repeat what they are use for over and over. So my goal this week is to get through 2 labs without using the job cards, but still maintain control of my classroom.

Work Voki

Simple Machines - Work


This week in class, we will begin our lesson over WORK. This lesson is focused over one science TEK: 7.7A: contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force to situations where no work is done such as moving a box with a ramp and without a ramp, or standing still. We are doing this lesson at the beginning of the year, because it really does not fit in with any other TEK we teach in 7th grade science. The students have been working on their scientific process skills and now they will be able to use those in this lesson.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meaning for My Blog

This blog will be designed and used as a source of reference for my professional career as a teacher. My goals will be to use this blog regularly to post topics I will be teaching in class and to provide myself feedback for the lessons of which I have already taught. By using this blog, I feel that I will not only become a more independent and confident blogger, but that I will also be able to archive my thoughts for lessons, best practices, and world wide news pertaining to my area of focus. This blog will be designed and maintained to help me grow in technology and as an educator.